Money Affirmation$ for the Creative Girl Bo$$!
Being a creative can sometimes feel like you have an inbuilt money repellent. I used to tell myself that being a creative person meant I wasn’t good with numbers or business, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. My idea of money management would be to swipe my card until it declined, and I’d deal with the consequences after!
Now that I’m embracing being a ‘creative girl boss’, I’ve had to do a lot of mental aerobics to be comfortable with earning real money. That includes addressing shame, guilt, imposter syndrome, judgement, all of these are blocks that stop your earning potential.
I now know that being a creative doesn’t mean you have to be broke, and a lot of the stories I told myself about how I was unable to ever understand money, were just that, stories. It’s time we start to recondition that old way of thinking and affirm what it is we want for ourselves.
The path to financial freedom is a long one, but the first step is looking at the stories you’ve told yourself about your financial worth.
Affirmations work, as long as they resonate with you. Help yourselves to the affirmations below and repeat daily until you’ve brainwashed yourself!
💵 I now give myself permission to make as much money as I possibly can
I can enjoy what I do and live comfortably
⭐️ I deserve to enjoy luxury
I have now shed the guilt of earning lots of money
Money doesn’t have to come through hardship
🤑 I can be rich and be a good person
I’m not an imposter, I deserve to be here, I deserve to earn large sums of money
💰 I’m comfortable around money, and I enjoy handling it
Money allows me to be generous
⭐️ I give myself permission to heal my money wounds
I welcome new financial patterns
💵 My business is growing daily in unexpected ways
Money is a creative energy and I have an endless flow of creativity
🍀 I’m open to receiving large sums of money continuously in a steady flow
💚 I’m comfortable around money
I can still make a lot of money, like myself and be liked
🔑 I’m comfortable that money is fluid
💰 My money tree grows bigger and bigger by the day
I no longer hold onto shame about my past money mistakes
Im a magnet to opportunities
I’m a magnet to success
⭐️I don’t have to be good at maths to understand money
Written by Tara-Emily