Stop running from face oils, yes even with oily skin!
What if I told you I went from combination skin with regular breakouts to normal skin and no breakouts through the use of face oils alone! Yup, that’s right.
When I was growing up, I ran from using anything oily on my face, thinking that it would help my spots, but nothing worked, my skin got spottier the more I tried to sort it. It wasn’t until I became a professional makeup artist in my early twenties, that I started to learn a thing or two about skin and I realized I’d been doing my skincare all wrong!
By avoiding any hydration and stripping my skin of its natural oil, my skin started to overproduce it thinking it needed more! So I ended up with oilier and spottier skin. Over the years I listened to my clients complain about having greasy skin, and they regularly turned to powders and overly matte foundations in the hopes that would fix the problem, but when I asked about their skincare routine, almost all of them were doing exactly what I used to, and were overly stripping their skin of natural oils or even worse they were avoiding any type of moisture at all!
I’ve heard different things from dermatologists about the use of oils if you have breakouts, but in my experience skin needs moisture, and not all face oils will leave your skin feeling greasy. When you give your skin the right oil (emphasis on right), your skin will stop overproducing and bring it back to balance.
I’m on a personal campaign to clean up oils’ reputation. If you’re a face oil lover, here is a list of my personal faves (tried and loved), if you’re a non-believer, I hope this list can convert you.
Written by Tara-Emily