The Rules according to Heartbreak.
I often find myself stuck to find the words that describe the true pain of heartbreak. Societally, we don’t give breakups the same kind of understanding that’s given to death or divorce. And although you are heartbroken in both of those scenarios, there is a world of other relationships that lead to being broken-hearted that goes unnoticed. Heartbreak can be over feeling like you lost something you never had, death of hope, the loss of a life un-lived, and most of us are left with grief that goes unacknowledged because we deny ourselves the right to feel heartbroken in the first place.
Time to Cycle Sync.
I regularly find myself cursing whoever taught me about periods when I was growing up. I distinctly do NOT remember being told that it’s possible to end up a slave to your hormones for most of your life, and if slightly out of balance, they will reign hell over your mind, body, and mood in ways you didn’t realize they could. And that seems like a vital bit of information to miss out don’t you think?